Waatic Spraying System

Smart technology for any airblast sprayer : it allows select the product and the dose per hectare, automatically spray the area, and check out the application record with the prescription map.

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Select the product and the
dose per hectare.

Let Waatic automatically
spray the area.

Check out your application
records with the intensity map.


  • Set up the nozzles installed on the sprayer.
  • Select the product from the authorised product list.
  • Select the field. Linked to rural land register GIS.
  • Select the user who is going to apply the product.
  • Connect to the airblaster you are going to use.
  • Set up the sensors.


With the main control panel you can even work without mobile connection.
  • View the dose per hectare. Control of applied litres
  • Automatic pressure adjustment according to the advance speed
  • Activation and deactivation of right side, left side or both sides.
  • Check out the product tank level.
  • Detection of nozzles malfunction.
  • Geolocation of applications: automatic register of the dosed amount of product used in each part of the field.


  • A variable dose map generated by a drone or a satellite can be uploaded to the app.
  • Real time view of going applications.
  • Reproduce the application in proportional time.


  • Records of applications. Check out all the applications data.
  • View on the map the dose used in any application.
  • Data storage for field notebook and official reports.
  • Online access to the applications.
  • Remote access to ongoing applications.